Zinātniski-pedagoģiskās stažēšanās (pieaugušo neformālās izglītības ietvaros) Stažēšanās iespējas sadarbībāar Center for Ukrainianand European scientific cooperation (6 tēmas) Stažēšanās iespējas sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation (7 tēmas) Stažēšanās iespējas sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientificcooperation (6 tēmas) “The specifics of training specialists in public management and administration in Ukraine and the Baltic States” The current approaches to modernizing the teaching and educational process amidst physical education and sports “Integration of traditional and innovative processes in the modern system of physics and mathematics education” “Particularities of professional training of law specialistsThe experience of theRepublic of Latvia” “Innovative models of training journalists,PR and advertising specialists The Latvia`s experience” “Prospects and achievements of modern trends in the development ofphilological education”