Stažēšanās sadarbībā ar Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation, tēma: “Integration of traditional and innovative processes in the modern system of physics and mathematics education”.

Organizers: ISMA University of Applied Sciences (ISMA) (Riga, Latvia) with the support of the Center for Ukrainian and European scientific cooperation.

Head of Organising Committee: Romans Djakons –, Professor, Academician, President of ISMA University of Applied Sciences.

Form of participation: distant.

Language: Latvian, English, Ukrainian.

The workload of the internship has 6 credits ECTS (180 hours) and distributed 6 hours each day for 6 business weeks. Every internship participant receives a certificate of completion of a scientific and pedagogical internship (in two languages with the specification of the hourly program) and a printed collection of abstracts.

Academic integrity: The Organizing Committee guarantees high-quality anonymous peer-review of each contribution. All internship abstracts are subject to checking for plagiarism using by the Polish company

We invite to participate in the internship: Academic staff of higher education institutes, research associates of scientific establishments, doctoral candidates, postgraduate students, applicants, students, who have or obtain philological education.

Registration Procedure

1) participants should fill in an application form and send abstracts meeting the scope of activities at an education or research institution of Ukraine to before July 28, 2023 (inclusively);

2) send a scanned copy of payment confirmation


Participation in the scientific and pedagogical internship without research and methodological report is impossible. On October 2, 2023, the collection of abstracts and certificates will be sent to the participants at the postal addresses indicated in the form.

Zoom lecture

English Zoom lecture is planned under the framework of the internship. All participants of the internship receive a link to the online lecture. The lecture will be saved.

Date: 29 August, 11:00 (Kyiv time).

Topic: “New opportunities in academic mobility and internationalization of scientific research”.

Speaker: Diana Zmicerevska,, assistant professor of ISMA University of Applied Sciences, Head of Project Department.

The certificate of completion is a document confirming completion of the scientific and pedagogical internship in a scientific institute of an EU country and which is necessary for obtaining the academic rank of Associate Professor, Professor and Senior Research Fellow, according to paras. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 of Procedure for awarding degrees to academic staff (given the latest amendments under the Order of the MES of Ukraine No. 322 dated 17.03.2021) as well as for licensing and accreditation of educational services.