Kvalifikācijas kursi Angļu valoda uzņēmējiemISMA Mācību centrs piedāvā kursu, lai sagatavoties kārtot starptautisko testu TOEFL.2 reizes nedēļā x 2 ak.st. Latviešu valodas kursi studentiemISMA Mācību centrs piedāvā apgūt latviešu valodas pamatzināšanas kursos ERASMUS+ studentiem.1 vai 2 reizes nedēļā x 2 ak.st. Angļu valoda ārzemniekiemISMA Mācību centrs piedāvā angļu valodas kursus pēc individuāla plāna.3-5 reizes nedēļā, atbilstoši plānam SpanishISMA Training Centre Language courses Levels: Beginner, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate2 times a week x 2 ac.hours English for BusinessThis programme is organized for the persons who want to improve their knowledge of the English language as the means of business communication and to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.3 times a week x 2 or 3 ac.hours SYS AdminSYS Admin – system administration, network and security 1 or 2 times a week x 4 ac.hours 2D/3D Designer2D/3D Designer – modelling and animation in Photoshop and Autodesk 3ds Max1 or 2 times a week x 4 ac.hours WEB DeveloperWEB Developer – PHP programming and CMS design1 or 2 times a week x 4 ac.hours WEB MasterWEB Master – design, layout and programming of sites1 or 2 times a week x 4 ac.hours