The History of the University

ISMA is one of the most popular and demanded higher education institutions in Latvia, which rightfully puts it on the first place in the list of Latvian universities of applied sciences. ISMA’s strategic vision and continuous development make it possible to offer competitive education based on theoretical knowledge and many years of practical experience, thereby ensuring a professional career for ISMA graduates in the Latvian and European labour markets.

ISMA offers training for both Latvian and foreign students at all levels of studies: college-level training, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral studies. Thus, ISMA provides its students with the opportunity to obtain education that is in line with their plans for the future, is integrated into the requirements of today’s labour market, and contributing to the development of personality and leadership qualities.

  • Information Technology
  • Economics
  • Management and Administration, Real Estate Management
  • Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business

2019 is the year of ISMA anniversary. 25 years ago, in 1994, a new higher educational institution – ISMA University of Applied Sciences – was established in Latvia.

The HEI was founded on the base of Riga Aviation University (RAU) – one of the largest universities in the world with a century history.

ISMA today – the holding, which provides education starting with pre-school preparation in ISMA Secondary school “Premjers” to doctoral studies at the University. The structure of the holding includes 2 branches: Latgale Branch in Daugavpils and the international one in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the city of Fergana. 

ISMA is a modern and dynamically developing higher educational institution teaching the professions which are in demand on the global labour market. The scientists of ISMA Scientific Research Institutes conduct promising research and development work. 

ISMA is an international higher educational institution with multicultural traditions and many friends all over the world. Students from 27 countries are studying in the University. At the same time our students from Latvia actively participate in the international mobility programmes within their traineeship in the largest foreign universities and companies. Students’ life is interesting and fulfilling. 

ISMA graduates are employed all over the world taking prominent positions both in the state structures and in private business.

We express our deep gratitude for the congratulation of ISMA on its 25th anniversary. We are very pleased that you shared with us such a significant event for us. We look forward to further fruitful cooperation.

ISMA Rector Deniss Djakons

In 2015 ISMA is a modern, dynamically developing hign school with a broad range of study programs and specializations at all levels, from short-cycle to doctoral.

Also, ISMA structure includes private secondary school Premjers and private vocational school Sigma, which trains young specialists in arts, graphic design and computer modeling.

Currently, ISMA has a big structure of departments that work on organization of the study process, employment of the students, expanding experience and skills by participating in local and international conferences, as well as organizing sports, recreation and entertainment activities of the hign school.

In the past 10 years ISMA has become an international education institution: one third of the students are citizens of Russia, Ukraine, China, Uzbekistan, etc.

In 2011, ISMA moves to its own renovated building. Now the secondary school, the college and the hign school are situated in one place, which optimizes the study process and its coordination. A separate building is suited for the administration.

Vocational School Sigma becomes a part of ISMA, which allows broadening the spectrum of the services provided.

In 2008, ISMA obtains the license for the Doctoral program in Business Administration.

ISMA continues dynamic and up-to-date development. Because of the growing demand for higher education ISMA opens its branches in Kiev, Daugavpils, Ventspils and Balvi.

ISMA develops its corporate style, which is still used nowadays.

Coat of Arms

The basis of the coat of arms is a classical German shield. In its center the shield bears a golden-fimbriated heraldic animal – a golden-maned silver unicorn against a maroon background to represent the colour of the Latvian flag. To this have been added a motto – Ubi Concordia, Ibi Victoria (Latin), meaning “Where there is consent, there is victory”, which appears just above the unicorn. Below these is the acronym that stands for the higher educational institution – ISMA. The date of its foundation written in a classical Latin style appears at the base. The coat of arms is mounted into an exquisite (elegant) frame of silver and gold and is bound by a laurel wreath. The arms is surmounted by a golden-tasselled cappit – the symbol of academism and science, while a scroll bound by a golden ribbon represents the significance of knowledge.

The colours of the coat of arms:

  • Maroon (purple) – the symbol of virtue, strength, might and unity.
  • Golden (yellow) – the symbol of wealth, justice, generosity and the bright future.
  • Silver (white) – the symbol of purity, innocence, youthfulness and hope.

The heraldic animal: Unicorn – a mythical animal, a running horse (capable of transforming into other animals) with a long, straight, golden horn at the forehead – the symbol of purity and virginity.

Flag: The formula of the flag: the triband of blue, white and blue BWB (blue-white-blue; 4:5:4). Blue associates with a higher power and nobleness of descent, bearing serenity and dignity. White stands for purity of thoughts, rectification and deity, openness and obscurity. The coat of arms appears in the center of the white strip symbolizing the eternal search for the truth.

The lyrics of the anthem of ISMA were written by Prof. Yury Shunin.

By the beginning of the new century ISMA becomes one of the most popular and demanded higher education institutions in Latvia. The number of students is more than 3000, and the number of full-time staff reaches 100.

ISMA actively develops international relations and contacts. There is a significant list of partner institutions, companies and associations inside and beyond the EU.

ISMA International Relations department obtains Erasmus University Charter for the first time. This opens even more possibilities for international cooperation.

In 1994, on the basis of Riga Aviation University several private higher education institutions were founded, one of which was Information Systems Management Institute. Three directions of studies were accredited almost at once. These were Business Administration, Information Technologies and Tourism.

The Institute was led by its current president Prof. Roman Dyakon.

The administration of the Institute has settled on the innovative development, and that is why a lot of attention has been paid to technical support of the study process and application of the newest technologies in the work of the whole institution.