Economics & Education

Journal “Economics & Education” publishes actual information and modern researches in the corresponding fields.

The main aim of the journal is to popularize ideas of modern scientists, facilitate exchange of the most up-to-date information in the subject areas and stimulate scientific activities in order to solve modern society problems.

The journal is intended for people involved in science, teachers, students (including doctorate) and practitioners.


  • Innovations
  • Management
  • Finance
  • Globalization
  • Education
  • Social Economics

Publisher: ISMA University of Applied Sciences
Periods of issue: 4 times a year
Language: English
Review: Every manuscript is single blind peer-reviewed by our independent experts in a specific field of research. Reviewers are aware of the identity of the authors, but authors are unaware of the identity of reviewers. A single-blind review safeguards reviewers from the prospect of conflict with the author by keeping them anonymous. There are at least three or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue. The outcome is critical to the publication of the manuscript. Criteria of review you can find here. The process of review takes 10 working days.
Open access journal: Open access means that research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. Our journal provides the direct open access to its content on the basis of the following principle: a free public access to the results of research contributes to increase in volume of the global exchange of knowledge.

International Scientific Journal “E&E” alows the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
License CC BY conditions

pISSN 2500-946X
eISSN 2592-8236

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