Diana Zmicerevska
My Training Mobility Experience Was Unforgettable
Erasmus+ Mobility Experience History
- Name and surname: Diana Zmicerevska
- Age: 44
- Gender: Female
- Sending higher education institution and its country: ISMA University, Riga, Latvia
- Receiving higher education institution and its country: UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Hansine Hansens veg 18, 9019 Tromsø, Norway
- Study subject: Staff mobility for Teaching
- Length of mobility period: 04.11.2019 – 08.11.2019
I have decided to take part in Erasmus+ training mobility in one of the northern universities and I never regretted.
My training mobility experience was unforgettable. Analyzing the time in UiT University I have found it has brought me to the next level of professional and personal development. I am always open for new experience and the participation in Erasmus + KA1 Staff Mobility helped me to enhance my skills and to widen professional networks.

Diana Zmicerevska
It was my first visit to UiT University, and it was perfect from the organizational side. All the information and documentation were prepared and given in advance from the receiving university. Particularly it was a pleasure to get the detailed info about the country, city, and University as well. It was really great to feel the support within the mobility visit. All the classes and after-classes activities were well-organized.
My mobility experience had several results. For me personally it had a positive impact on personal and academic development, had widened my horizons, and changed my future plans and priorities. Additionally it was a good way to enrich the methods and content of my work. And of course it has brought new research and academic contacts for future projects. The knowledge of the ways of organization and supporting the students and staff in becoming mobile became the additional value.
For my home university it has brought new cooperation possibilities, has ensured the positioning of my home university in the international educational academic sphere through the development of international educational communications, has supported the strategic goals of internationalization.
I would recommend to the future Erasmus+ participants not to be afraid of new experience, to catch all the possibilities of mobility, and to realize their life purposes. People-to-people contacts will give you the unique opportunity to re-think a lot of things.
Diana Zmicerevska
Assistant Professor of Department of Economics
Head of Project Department
ISMA University